The Mission
"Lifting up Jesus, Making Disciples. This is our main
purpose and what God has called
The Rock Church of St. Louis to do."
- Dr. Timothy Cowin, Lead Pastor
purpose and what God has called
The Rock Church of St. Louis to do."
- Dr. Timothy Cowin, Lead Pastor
The Vision
To expand God's Kingdom to wherever he calls us to go. Through expansion in South County, Ballwin, Mid-County, Downtown St. Louis and our Africa ministries. We want to reach as many people with the good news of the Gospel as possible!
Our Beliefs
I. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to Eternal life
and a connection with our Father God. We're called to repent of our sins
and make Jesus the Lord of our lives. (John 14:6)
II. We believe in the authority of the Word of God:
We strive to speak the truth in love
but at the same time we embrace
God’s Word without apology. (2 Timothy 4:2)
III. We believe in passionate Worship: The Father
desires us to Worship in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24).
IV. We believe in the priority and power of Prayer:
Jesus modeled for us and taught
the importance of Prayer. (Matthew 6, John 15)
V. We believe it is our responsibility
to share the gospel: Jesus came sharing the
gospel of the Kingdom. He sent His Apostles to proclaim the gospel. He
commissioned His church to proclaim the gospel to all nations. (Matthew 24:14)
VI. We believe in ongoing discipleship:
Jesus did not tell us to gather believers, He
commanded us to make disciples. (Matthew 28:19)
and a connection with our Father God. We're called to repent of our sins
and make Jesus the Lord of our lives. (John 14:6)
II. We believe in the authority of the Word of God:
We strive to speak the truth in love
but at the same time we embrace
God’s Word without apology. (2 Timothy 4:2)
III. We believe in passionate Worship: The Father
desires us to Worship in Spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24).
IV. We believe in the priority and power of Prayer:
Jesus modeled for us and taught
the importance of Prayer. (Matthew 6, John 15)
V. We believe it is our responsibility
to share the gospel: Jesus came sharing the
gospel of the Kingdom. He sent His Apostles to proclaim the gospel. He
commissioned His church to proclaim the gospel to all nations. (Matthew 24:14)
VI. We believe in ongoing discipleship:
Jesus did not tell us to gather believers, He
commanded us to make disciples. (Matthew 28:19)