Services: Sunday's @ 1:30pm
818 Cass Ave, St. Louis, MO 63106
Now to him who is able to do far more
abundantly than all that we ask or think,
according to the power at work within us - Ephesians 3:20
God placed the idea of planting a Church in the inner City of St.Louis 15 years ago.
The inner City of St. Louis has a long history of being a dangerous area.
Filled with violence, drugs, hate, and sin that has destroyed peoples lives and families.
We didn't know how we could plant a Church in the City. It seemed like an impossible idea.
However we knew
we could do one thing,
After years of prayer God has Miraculously opened the door for
The Rock to plant a Church in the Inner City of St. Louis.
The Church will be in the Cochran right next to the Dome.
Through an amazing story and partnership with UrbanReach,
the workers for the harvest are finally in place for The Church.
The City Church's First Service was
October 6th, 2024 !!
God continues to increase our Faith through the Power of Prayer!!
Nothing is impossible with God.
If you're interested in helping please reach out to
Jesse Sneed who will be the Pastor of The City Church. or 314-583-9165
If you would like to support and donate:
- Select - "Church Plant Fund"
Or if to give a check put "Church Plant Fund" on memo.